October 21 2024
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development informs the general public that the Sea Turtle Fishery opens from Tuesday, October 01 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024 both days inclusive.
Fishers and the general public are hereby urged to observe and comply with all regulations stipulated under Section 33 of the Fisheries Act Cap 7.15. Contravention of these conditions shall result in a maximum fine of five thousand dollars (EC$5000).
Please note the following conditions below:
- Fishers are only permitted to capture
- Hawksbill Turtle weighing 60lbs or more;
- Green or Loggerhead Turtle weighing 75lbs or more
- The slaughtering of sea turtles are prohibited in public and open areas
- The spearing of sea turtles are prohibited
- The capture of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is prohibited
- The holding of sea turtles as pets are prohibited
- Taking and consuming of sea turtle eggs are prohibited
- The sale or export of all products made from turtle shells or its by-products is prohibited as regulated under the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) restricts the trade of turtle products.
Further, the Department urges the cooperation of the public to report anyone or an establishment contravening the regulations to the Marine Police, District Police Stations, Praedial Larceny Unit or the Fisheries Department. The Department of Fisheries will continue to monitor activities island-wide to obtain information on sea turtles captured during the period and will work with the enforcement agencies to ensure all conditions are adhered to.
For additional information on Sea Turtles or any other marine related matters, please contact the Department of Fisheries at telephone number 468-4135, 468-4143 or 725-1722.