Project Goal: The overall goal is to revitalize the banana industry.
- To help restore and improve the quality of livelihoods of over 80,000 families who reside in rural communities.
- To improve competitiveness by increasing productivity to 15-20 tons acre (40-50 tons/hectare), expand current acreage by 600-1000 hectares and arrest the decline.
- To increase its foreign exchange earning capacity and enhance that sector’s contribution to GDP and national development.
- To establish a sustainable and effective mechanism to control Black Sigatoka Disease & leaf spot.
- To build resilience to climate change and take steps to mitigate against the effects of natural disasters or economic shocks.
- To bring about a certain degree of stability in the industry and ensure its viability in the short to medium term.
- To increase its foreign exchange earning capacity and enhance that sector’s contribution to GDP and national development.
Streamline to meet the needs of three market segments viz. UK/French, Regional and domestic.
Target: 60-70,000 tons/ year.
Rationalization production plan based on agro-ecological and land capability factors (Areas zoned based on location, rainfall, slope, the potential for irrigation, and suitability of soils to produce 37-49 tonnes/hectare. Key farmers will be targeted. One set of standards for all market segments.
- Rehabilitate 1620 acres affected by Matthew.
- Field sanitation, replanting desilting drains.
- Expand acreage 600-1000 acres.
- Provide strong leadership by MOA (Sigatoka unit restructured- technical capability strengthened. MOA take responsibility for extension service for industry)
- Establish credit facility (revolving fund to assist with operations)
- Establish sustainable finance mechanism
- Procurement of inputs in bulk &ensure supply (input credit scheme to enable farmers to procure supplies and apply same on time and in adequate amounts)
- Effective and efficient control of black sigatoka and other diseases.( Centralized / clusters in various regions ) measures to eliminate abandoned fields.
- Support to irrigation and field drainage.
- Confidence building-public sensitization campaign. GOSL policy clearly spelt stated.
- Training / capacity-building program.
- Farmers register with CCRIF. Establishment of disaster fund. Farmers contributing to NIC (old age pension assured).
- Research and development (Taiwan CIRAD) more students to aquaculture.
2 Videos
- Employment opportunities created in rural areas. 10-16,000 sustainable jobs created.
- Total of 2500- 3000 acres under banana cultivation.
- Increased productivity from 5-8 tonnes to 15-20 tonnes/acre
- Establishment of a revolving credit facility.
- Sustainable finance mechanism..
- Sustainable controlled leaf spot program established.
- Insurance (CCRIF) in place.
- Social safety mechanism for old age.
- Effective &efficient GIS system producing quality information for decision making
- Training program for technicians & farmers
- Technology adaptation, development and transfer
- Selected items transformed through value added.
- Foreign exchange earnings increase from $22 million to $100 million/year
- Exports to Europe reach 60-70,000 tonnes /year
- Functioning irrigation system


Extension Officer

Extension Officer

Inventory Control Officer

Assistant Inventory Officer

Extension Officer

ICDF Technical Consultant

Extension Officer

Monitoring and Surveillance Officer

Administrative Assistant

Monitoring and Surveillance Officer

Monitoring and Surveillance Officer

ICT, GIS, Monitoring and Surveillance Officer

Extension Officer

Extension Officer

Leafspot Control Officer
project managerPhone: 1758- 468-40
- Elkanah Jankie
GIS, ICT, Monitoring and Surveillance Officer - Phone: 1758-468-4158
- Ferdilia Gopal
Administrative AssistantPhone: 1758-468-4160
- Felix ST Brice
Phone: 1758-468-4160- Fabian Dowdy
- Phone: 1758-468-4160
- Fidele Semion
- Phone: 1758-468-4160
- Cornelius Lynch
Leafspot Control Officer - Phone: 1758-
- Laurena Louisian
Administrative Assistant - Phone: 1768-
- Johnson Wu
ICD Technical Consultant
Kimran Francis
Phone:1758-468-4160- Cyril Henry
Phone:1758-468-4160 - Lucian Labanard
Officer - Phone:1758-468-4160
- Joshusa Surage
Phone:1758-468-4160 - Janil Alexanda
Phone:1758-468-4160 - Edwin Wilson