The Pesticide unit of the Research and Development Division serves as the secretariat to the pesticide board.
Duties of the pesticide unit include:
- Registration of new pesticides
- Issuing of licenses for registered pesticide (5 working days)
- Inspection of pesticides at ports of entry and courier outlets (such as west tech, shop box etc.)
- Pesticide Safety Training
- Field visits assessing pesticide safety.
- Pesticide Stores/Outlet Inspection
- Reports on Pesticide importation (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually)
- Reviewing and updating of the Approved Pesticide registration List
- Implementation of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Act
Importation of Pesticides
In recent times the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Control Board have noticed an increase in the quantity of unregistered pesticides that are being ordered and imported.
The Ministry would like to inform the general public, consumers, and business places according to the Pesticide Act of 2001 it is prohibited to import unregistered pesticides. An import Permit must be obtained for the importation of Registered Pesticides into St. Lucia. These measures are necessary to protect consumers and our environment being polluted with harmful and products that maybe restricted and prevented from being used in country of origin.
The Ministry would like to inform the public and business places to contact our offices at 4685600 in Castries and 4546254 in Vieux Fort for further information or visit the Ministry of Agriculture website or Facebook page for additional information.


- Laura Francis
- Phone: 758–725 6273
- Email:
- Mr. Cletus Alexander
- Phone:
- Email: