EnbasSaut Falls Trail

EnbasSaut Falls Trail


The ForestierreNature Trail is about 30 minutes from the city of Castries and is situated in the community of Forestrierre. The trail is part of the Old French Road which traverses through mature pristine rain forest.  Perhaps some of the most distinctive features on this trail are the abundance of large spectacularfigtrees, epiphytesand ferns.

This (5) kilometer long trail begins as a gentle downward slope through natural dense foliage meandering among l’encens trees (protuimattenatum) that produces a white sap with a highly astringent smell.  Also common is the majestic Chataignier tree which is supported by a system of elegant buttresses spreading around at its base like gentle folds of a regal gown. The walk back to the main road allows time for peaceful reflection and simple enjoyment of nature’s green botanical wonder.
