Farmer’s market is one of the components of the Enhancement of the Efficiency of Production-Distribution Supply Chain of Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Saint Lucia(7-CROPS PROJECT). This aspect focuses on market intelligence; thus, the participants are educated on marketing their produce or products. Additionally, they are given the opportunity to showcase their farm produce during the farmer’s market. Agro-processors are also part and parcel of the farmer’s market; their products are available at every farmer’s market. Farmers market commenced from July 2019 and has been continuing to date. The participants of the farmers market come in from all the regions island-wide.
The project hosts a farmers market on a monthly or bimonthly basis. Two locations are hosted every month. The locations include:
Training of farmers in all the Regions
Training in:
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
- Marketing/ Business Planning
- Post-Harvest Technology by
- Production scheduling
- Pesticide use and Safety
- Record Keeping /Budgeting
- Brief Introduction to project