The Department of Fisheries promotes sustainable utilization of fisheries resources by: employing research, applying a wide range of marine resource management approaches, providing extension strategies, training programs and promoting public/private partnerships at all levels of development and management of the fisheries subsector. It is also responsible for the enforcement of relevant national laws and policies relating to aquatic resources and carrying out regulatory functions in the fisheries sector.

The Department of Fisheries comprises five main programme areas, employing more than 35 staff. The mandate includes:
1. To oversee economic, social, institutional, governance, policy, and management aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, with particular emphasis on improving human well-being, food security and poverty reduction.
2. To develop and manage marine, coastal and inland aquaculture, with a special emphasis on technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects.
3. To collect, compile, validate analyze and disseminate reliable and up-to-date statistics and information on all aspects of fisheries and aquaculture.
4. To transfer and promote the use of appropriate technologies, infrastructure, equipment and practices dealing with the operation of wild-capture marine and aquaculture fisheries.
5. To manage and conserve fishery resources, including mainstreaming climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem concerns in fisheries management, with special attention paid to threatened species and vulnerable habitats.