November 8th, 2023

Play Press Release
A General Technical Cooperation agreement between the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF)is set to usher in a new era of economic and social development, offering opportunities for the agriculture sector.
The signing ceremony for the General Technical Cooperation agreement between the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) marks a significant stride forward in advancing economic and social development, alleviating poverty, and reinforcing human resource development in Saint Lucia.
The signing ceremony underscored the commitment of both IICA and ICDF to address the specific needs of the nation efficiently, leveraging their expertise in agriculture, technology, natural resource management, and technical cooperation to drive regional progress.
Secretary General of the Taiwan ICDF, Ambassador, Charles Li say this partnership aims to capitalize on their shared knowledge and resources to boost various sectors, ultimately improving the quality of life of Saint Lucians and the wider region.
“As economic stagnation, climate change, and governance challenges lead to price inflation and shortages in the food and energy sectors on the island, these situations create extraordinary hardship for those already experiencing poverty and hunger. To better prepare for and react to these issues, the Taiwan ICDF and IICA are broadening our cooperation from previous work in agriculture and food security to also include education, gender equality, and small and medium-sized development.”
The agreement covers a wide range of areas of cooperation, with particular emphasis on the development of value chains and clusters, food safety and quality, quality and management systems, technology transfer, climate-smart technologies, and building innovation capacity.
Representative of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in St. Lucia and the Eastern Caribbean States, Gregg Rawlins stressed the importance of innovative agricultural practices in addressing food security and economic sustainability.
“We remain fully committed at IICA to building upon the excellent collaboration with Taiwan ICDF within the framework of our agreement over the next four years. Our commitment is not only to address the pressing challenges of agricultural development but also to unlock the vast potential this sector holds. We aim to facilitate the sector in playing an important multifunctional role in the economy of Saint Lucia and other countries in the region.”
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Rural Development, Honorable Alfred Prospere, expressed the government’s enthusiasm for the potential of the partnership to enhance the nation’s agricultural and technological sectors, aligning with Saint Lucia’s sustainable development and economic growth goals.
“It is with great pleasure that I serve not just as a witness to this historic moment but in my capacity as minister. I pledge to do my very best to ensure that the anticipated benefits reach the intended beneficiaries, namely the fishers and farmers in Saint Lucia. When I address you again, I will be better placed to say with assurance that our target goal of 25% by 2025 is within reach and that we are seeing a significant decrease in our staggering food import bill. The partnership between IICA and the Taiwan Technical Mission brings together a wealth of experience, innovation, and knowledge that both organizations possess. The results-oriented collaboration between these two entities will undoubtedly have a transformative impact.”
Minister Prospere says that in the pursuit of common goals and reciprocal development, the General Technical Cooperation agreement between IICA and ICDF represents a significant milestone with the potential to greatly impact Saint Lucia’s social and economic growth and inspire future regional collaborations.