Illegal sale of sea turtle meat
August 24 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development has received reports that the sea turtle meat is being sold in the south of the island. The Ministry reminds fishers and the public that the sea turtle fishery is currently closed.
The sea turtle fishery is closed from January 1 to September 30. The law prohibits the harvesting, Sale, purchasing, any part or the by-products of the sea turtle during the closed season; This includes the whole, any part or the by-products of the sea turtle (meat, shell or other parts).
Members of the public are also reminded that in accordance with the Regulation 33(1) (b) of the Fisheries Act, Cap7.15 of the revised laws of Saint Lucia, it is an offense to interfere with any nesting sea turtle or their eggs.
In an effort to ensure the survival of the sea turtle population, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- 1. Stay at least 6ft away from nesting sea turtles;
- 2. Avoid driving on sea turtles nesting beaches;
- 3. Avoid using lights when a sea turtle is observed nesting;
- 4. Avoid handing hatchlings (baby sea turtles);
- 5. Do not take handle or touch sea turtle eggs;
- 6. Keep all pets, large items, ropes, nets, and garbage off
the beach;
Anyone found with a sea turtle egg or interfering with nesting sea turtles or are in possession of sea turtle meat during the closed the season is liable to a maximum fine of EC$5000.00 per offense.