Lionfish Research Activity
November 30, 2023
Play Press Release
The Department of Fisheries (DOF) has over the years, encouraged the targeting and removal of the invasive lionfish by dive operators and fishers in an attempt to reduce its numbers and mitigate the impact that the lionfish would have on the local fisheries sector. However, to make these mitigation measures more effective, detailed information on the lionfish population within Saint Lucia is required.
The JICA Technical Cooperation “Project for Strengthening Sustainable Use and Management of Coastal Fisheries Resource in the CARICOM Countries” (COASTFISH) implements diverse pilot projects in Saint Lucia. Through the COASTFISH Project, the marine resource users utilize the bounty of the sea in a sustainable manner with the cooperative management of aquatic resources by various user groups and Government agencies. One such project, is focused on the management of lionfish populations in Saint Lucia.
For this reason, the DOF and JICA are jointly conducting biological data collection of lionfish under the COASTFISH Project. The results of this activity will be used to determine the life history of the species and the time of year when the spawning season is the highest. This information could be used to determine the best time to utilize certain management measures such as lionfish derbies, which would help in the reduction of the invasive species in the marine environment.
This research activity is expected to be conducted monthly for one (1) year, from November 2023 to October 2024. Several partners and stakeholders will be involved in the activity including dive operators, fishers, and the Saint Lucia Divers Association (ANBAGLO).
The Department of Fisheries continues to encourage Saint Lucians to utilize the lionfish as food through promotional efforts under the tagline, “EAT THEM TO BEAT THEM”, all in an effort to reduce the lionfish population.