Project News 20: Lionfish and Sea-moss consumption promotion
December 18 2024
Lionfish and Sea-moss consumption promotion
JICA Technical Cooperation “The Project for Strengthening Sustainable Use and Management of Coastal Fisheries Resource in the CARICOM Countries” implements diverse pilot projects in the Caribbean region so that marine resource users receive the bounty of the sea in a sustainable manner with the cooperative management of the aquatic resources by the user groups and the government.
Saint Lucia is a well-known tourist destination, however, there is heavy reliance on imported food. Thus, the Project has been working to enhance culinary tourism in Saint Lucia which will promote the consumption of local fresh fish and Sea-moss. This will improve the livelihood of local farmers and fishers.
On November 30th, 2024, the Project and Japanese Cuisine Chef. Saya Nakata (JOCV, TVET) conducted a Consumption Promotion Event at the Japanese restaurant JAPANOS in Rodney Bay. At the event, Lionfish Nigiri Sushi, Tempura, and Sea-moss Salad were served for the customers of JAPANOS.
Most of the ingredients were taken a day before the event and properly preserved to serve in the best condition. Lionfish were captured through the project removal activity and some of the vegetables were provided by Stanley Jon Odlum School Farm where Mr. Hiroshi Satomi (JOCV, TVET) is promoting farming.
The customers enjoyed some of the tastes of Saint Lucia. The Project will continue the Consumption Promotion Event. Please contact, jicacaribbeanfisheriesproject@gmail.com, if you are interested in hosting the event at your business place.
Caption for Pics:
1. Chef Nakata makes lionfish nigiri sushi
2. Promotion event at JAPANOS
3. Sea-moss Salad
4. Lionfish and egg nigiri sushi
5. Sea-moss and vegetable tempura
6. Mr. Hiroshi Satomi and Stanley Jon Odlum School Teachers
7. Okra farmed in Stanley Jon Odlum School Farm
8. Lionfish
9. Chef Nakata and TVET Officers