This represents the first and possibly the most important form of defense against entry of exotic diseases on our shores. The introduction of exotic diseases can easily occur through the importation of animals and their products if effective prevention and control measures are not taken.
The main objectives of these services is to
- Prevent or minimize the possibility of the entrance of vertically (egg borne, mother to offspring) and or horizontally (direct or indirect contact) transmitted diseases.
- Protect the public from contracting diseases by consuming infected meat and meat products.
Veterinary Quarantine Officers are responsible for inspecting animals, meats, and meat products entering the island, whether it is casual or commercial imports. The aim is to impede the introduction of any foreign animal diseases and address any discrepancies at the port of entry.
They are also responsible for prevention of entry, control and eradication of any disease that may have entered or borders and are endemic to our shores.
Quarantine officers have the right to detain and destroy or otherwise dispose of any product that does not comply with our importation requirements. (According to Animal (Disease and Importation) Act December 2001)
Veterinary Public health officers have the responsibility of ensuring the food of animal origin is safe and wholesome for our consumers, they do this by conducting three inspections services
- Ante mortem inspections of all animals destined for slaughter it is at this inspection it is determined whether the animal is fit for slaughter and an ante mortem inspection certificate is granted.
- Post mortem inspection: these animals are then inspected after slaughter ensuring that they are now fit for human consumption.
- Wholesomeness inspection: at the point of delivery the carcasses are again inspected to ensure that the meats are wholesome and fit to enter the shelf for consumption.

- Dr. Sharmine Melville-EdwinPhone: 758-468-4183
Gov’t Cell: 725-3451
- Dr. Daryl Best
- Phone: 1758–468-5623
- Cell:1758-725-3395
- Brandon Odlum
- Phone: 1758–468-5680
- Cell: 758-725-3607