Region V is the Southernmost of the eight agricultural Regions and lies between the Canelles River on the East Coast and River Doree on the South western Coast. The Region has an area of approximately
The team members of Region V believe in “servant leadership” and are always eager to provide support to farmers particularly in the area of establishing new technology. Currently, the acreage of farms which have moved from overhead sprinklers to drip irrigation as well as mulching (ground cover and plastic) is approximately 20 and 14 acres, respectively. Continuous training has also been a paramount asset in improving the standard of living of farmers in Region V.
Region Five (5) has two main ecosystems;
- The lower, flat, dry coastal areas e.g. Black Bay, Vigier
- The hillier interior characterized by high rainfall and lower temperature e.g. Saltibus, Darban, Grace /Woodlands.
The Region can be considered the most diversified in all the Regions. The main farming enterprises are as follows;
- Vegetable production
- Cut flower production
- Tree crop production
- Live Stock production
- Apiculture
- Root crop production
- Banana and Plantain production
- Aquaculture

Past Projects
Field Farmers School
- 30 farmers were trained in best practices involved in Honeydew production. E.g. use of plastic mulch, drip irrigation, integrated pest management. Pesticide use and safety, composting and agronomic practices. Duration was 3 months (12 weeks) from land preparation to harvesting.
Introduction of new technology to farmers
- Drip lines plastic mulch and ground cover and fertigation systems.
- 25 acres of land presently under drip irrigation
- 10 acres under plastic mulch and ground cover
- 10 farmers with fertigation systems
About 70 farmers were the beneficiary of such initiatives.
School Agriculture
- Assisted 8 primary schools and 2 secondary schools with their school gardening
- Establishment of ¼ acre plot orchard at Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary. Fruit trees such as mangoes, 3 different varieties, cherry guava, cashew, citrus, coconut
- Lectures and video presentation to schools
- 100 students for work experience
- Vegetable samplings sessions with 3 primary schools
- Garden completion with primary schools

- Francis Khodra
Region HeadCell: 7254150/4686828
- Firmin Lafeuille
Extension officer - Phone: 1758-725-5615
- Yancy Wilson
Extension officer - Cell: 1758-725-5138
- Marakaih Auguste
Extension officer - Cell: 1758-725-4923
- Virgee Descartes Extension officer
- Cell: 1758-725-4468