Special Projects


To implement projects that support the priority policies and programmes of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Natural Resources and Cooperatives.

The unit was established in 2013 when the European Commission continued to show its commitment to help African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries including Saint Lucia to adapt to the effects of changes in the EU’s import regime. Within this context, the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) Programme was established as a follow-up to prior EU support and to increase the level of production and trade in the agricultural sector through improved product quality, value/supply chain efficiencies, adaptation to technologies and sound resources management.

The BAM support (10.35 million Euros) for Saint Lucia rested on four main pillars:

  1. Expanding the value chain through an agri-business focus on product/services enhancement, and product/services and market development;
  2. The enhancement of research and technology capability through the establishment of a national diagnostic facility to support the testing of new products, monitor established ones and provide diagnostic services for the private and public sector to complement the new model of agriculture growth.
  3. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the agricultural sector through a better coordinated DRR framework and systems focused on pest management (Black sigatoka) and improved agricultural infrastructure, including roads and drainage.
  4. Enabling the rural population particularly the youth, to tap into complete value chains that will generate sustainable livelihoods and create incomes.

Mr. Eden Compton

Special Projects Coordinator
  • Mr. Eden Compton
    Special Projects Coordinator
    Phone: I (758) 468-4181
    Cell: I (758) 468-4181
    Email: specialagri.projects@govt.lc

Lynetta Paul
Phone: 1(758) 468-4114
Cell: I (758) 7305025
Email: specialagri.projects@govt.lc



EU-BAM Financing Agreement

The project commenced on the day that the EU-BAM Financing Agreement was signed on May 6, 2016 and was completed on December 14, 2018.
Outputs or deliverables achieved include:



Agri enterprise facilitation.
  1. Value chain strategy developed and implemented.

  2. Agro-processing facilities retrofitted and refurbished.
  • Development of Value Chain Strategies for Selected Commodities.

  • Training in Cluster Facilitation and Coaching for farmers and agro-processors.

  • Assessment and design of four (4) identified facilities.

  • Retrofitting and refurbishing of four (4) facilities.


Research and technology facilitation
  • Design of National diagnostic Facility.

  • Construction of National diagnostic Facility.

  • Supervision Services for construction of national diagnostic facility.


St lucia Annual Agricultural review
  1. Implementation of a pest and disease management plan supported.

  2. Rural community infrastructure built or rehabilitated.

  3. Integrated watershed management systems provided.
  • Procurement of inputs for the control of Black sigatoka.

  • The rehabilitation of farm community infrastructure such as the remediation of damaged rural roads and drains.

  • Establish rainwater harvesting systems for selected producers.


Agri enterprise for youth program .
  1. Production systems and technologies provided.
  2. Farm Equipment & Infrastructure supplied to the DOA.
  3. Training in Product development for Marketing
  • Developed technological packages for selected crop and livestock commodities.

  • Land preparation equipment provided to the Department of Agriculture to assist farmers.

  • Training in Product Development for farmers and agro-processors



  • Mr. Eden Compton
    Special Projects Coordinator
    Phone: I (758) 468-4181
    Cell: I (758) 468-4181
    Email: specialagri.projects@govt.lc

Lynetta Paul
Phone: 1(758) 468-4114
Cell: I (758) 7305025
Email: specialagri.projects@govt.lc