Cocoa Festival
October 17, 2023
Play Press Release
A TR4 Table Top Simulation has been organized by the Plant Research and Development Division, uniting key stakeholders in preparing to combat the possible introduction of the devastating Banana Panama Disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4) to Saint Lucia.
Anicia Antoine tells us more in this report…
The Plant Research and Development Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Rural Development conducted a TR4 Table Top Simulation exercise to address the potential outbreak of the Banana Panama Disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4), a destructive fungal pathogen that poses a significant threat to banana and plantain crops. TR4 is notorious for its ability to decimate entire plantations and disrupt food security and local economies in affected regions.
The simulation aimed to bring key stakeholders together to create a coordinated response plan, enabling the country to react swiftly and effectively to prevent or manage any potential TR4 outbreak.
According to Elkanah Jankie, ICT Officer of the Banana Management Unit, Saint Lucia’s agricultural sector is heavily dependent on the production of bananas and plantains, which renders it necessary to be prepared for the potential arrival of TR4.
“The simulation exercise today helped us identify gaps in the system, allowing us to strengthen these aspects moving forward. One significant gap we observed was the interactions between different agencies; some were uncertain about their roles and responsibilities. Strengthening these areas is crucial for improved coordination and effectiveness.”
Chief Plant Research and Development Officer, Hannah Romain says that preparedness and prompt action are essential to mitigate the impact of this pathogen. She explains that this simulation exercise is a critical step in ensuring that all stakeholders are well-coordinated and ready to respond effectively in the event of an outbreak.
“After this simulation exercise, we will return to the drawing board to address the identified gaps in terms of training our extension officers and farmers. We will emphasize ongoing communication to raise awareness of the disease and the risks associated with moving plant material. It is imperative to inform the Agriculture Ministry before any such movements occur.”
In uniting for the TR4 Table Top Simulation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Rural Development aspires to strengthen the agricultural sector’s resilience, safeguard livelihoods, and secure a sustainable future.