The watershed unit is tasked with the responsibility of managing the island’s 37 watersheds in order to support the human needs for food, fibre and water resources in a manner which does not compromise the watershed other ecological attributes.
The management of the watersheds is a multi-isciplinary process which takes into account all environmental, social, cultural and economic aspects of the watershed in order to treat it as an integrated unit.
Recognizing the uniquiness of each watershed in terms of culture, climate, physiology, ecology and land use, each watershed management strategy is customized in order to deal with issues on the ground.
Some of the activity undertaken by the Watershed Unit include:
1. Restoration of degraded lands
2. Restoration of riparian strip
3. Encouraging agroforestry systems in farming are

Rehabilitationof Degraded Lands above the Roseau Dam
TARGET 1 Establishment and maintenance of one (1) flying nursery to provide planting material for the rehabilitation activities.
TARGET 2 Reforestation and stabilization of 60 hectares of land in year one (1)
TARGET 3 Reforestation and stabilization 98 hectares in year 2.

- Nerius Mitchel
- Email:nerius.mitchel@govt.lc
- Charmain Donavan-Augustin
- Email:charmain.augustin@govt.lc