March 03rd 2024
Friday March 22, 2024 will be celebrated as World Water Day by 193 countries around the world. This annual event sheds light on the issues concerning water resources while at the same time informs on current and future actions in an effort to mitigate the negative impacts to billions of people.
This year’s theme for World Water Day is: “Water for Peace.” The first thought that comes to mind is the relationship between countries that share common water sources (transboundary) and the unequal distribution of water both in quantity and quality that gives rise to tensions. One
example would be tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia over the damming of the Blue Nile River. Issues of a similar nature occur on all the continents of the world. In August 1995, former World Bank vice president Dr Ismail Serageldin said: “If the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought over water — unless we change our approach to managing this precious and vital resource.” Climate Change/Variability directly impacts water resource availability and therefore the situation has been exacerbated as countries portray a more selfish attitude concerning water sharing. Water is life and its presence or lack of affects the implementation of all seventeen (17) of the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs).
Though we are an island nation, Saint Lucia is not immune to tensions arising among water users. The resource is finite and some sectors feel that they are disadvantaged when it comes to access, especially in the dry season. Water companies, farmers, recreational users and industry more often than not view water availability only from their perspective.
With manifestations of water related issues a constant occurrence (both global and local), a call for peace brings to the fore the need to continue to build resilience in the sector. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 “Clean water and Sanitation” factors the activities needed to sustain water quantity and quality for all, with an outcome being reduced tensions.
This is by strengthening collaboration across all sectors through Integrated Water Resources Management. It requires work and dedication in a changing climate. There is no other choice, as the only other option for nations would be a “war” for self preservation.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development continues to encourage environmental conservation and the responsible use of water resources and extends best wishes to all our stakeholders on the observance of World Water Day 2024.