
Most of the areas within Regions I and II are predominantly community based with pockets of major agricultural focus except for Combat and part of Marquis that are strictly agricultural areas. The communities are characterized by access to well functional infrastructure and amenities. This includes seven health centers, ten primary schools, and three secondary schools. There are also a number of different church denominations. Catholic, Seventh Day Adventists and Pentecostal are the most predominant denominations.
In addition Region I starts from Gros-Islet to Grand Rivere up to the choc river bounding with Ti Morne and back up to the extreme north of the island. Whereas Region II starts from Ti Morne following the Balata river up to Gueasneau , Maleau, Forestierre, Combat, River Marquis to Luvette at the sea and Des Barras. Some of the major farming communities within regions I and II are Cacoa, Forestierre, Talvern, Fond Assou, Chassin, Marquis, Boguis, La Guerre, Laborne, Monchy and Magretoute. The road networks within the region, which includes main roads, secondary and feeder roads are for the most part in satisfactory conditions.
Furthermore most of the farms within the regions are serviced with some form of irrigation, using either pipe treated water, untreated water or river water. Forestierre, Chassin, Maquis were major banana farming areas but due to the black segatoka disease banana farmers have diversified into several other crops example plantain and cocoa.

Region 1
Jeshurun Andrew
Designated Areas- Monier, Grand Riviere, Corinth, Choc, Bois D’Orange, Gros Islet (Beausejour,
Bonne Terre, Cap Estate, Cas En Bas, La Borne, Monchy, Malgretoute, Ti Dauphin, Desrameaux,
Morne Citon, Dauphin Vieux Secrieux, Piat, Degazon, Union, La Guerre, Theatiste, Boguis, Plateau
Region 2
Nicolas Doxilly- 720-1816 /450-5151
Designated Areas- La Croix, Paix Bouche, Chassin, Gage, Savanne en Haut, Marquis Estate, Des Barras, Cacolie, and Grand Anse, Desablon, Bon La Maison, Garrand, Cannel, Mon Assau
- Damma Jacobie- 450-5151
- dammajacobie@gmail.com
Designated Areas- Forestierre, Girard, Cacoa, Combat, Pois Doux, Fond Cacoa, Land Fond, Guesneau, Fond Cannie, Fond Assau, Hill 20, Talvern, Babonneau Proper, Ti Chemin , Balata, Cabiche,
Nickela ThomasPhone:1758-450-5151
Nicolas Doxilly
Phone: 720-1816 /450-5151
Email: nicolasdoxilly183@gmail.com
Phone: 725-5734/ 450-5151
Email: jeshurunjdandrew@gmail.com
Phone: 450-5151
Email: dammajacobie@gmail.com